Hi all, Dave here with another update on my halfling force, I know its been a while since my last post but progress has been slow so I figured I’d wait till a had a few more units done to report in.

First up was yet another unit of braves/spears which takes me to 4 in total (only one to go).
I went for a slight hill in my basing to try and link into the rolling hills theme i’ll use for my cav.
Next up was the battle pig… I mean iron beast, this thing takes some painting but i’m pretty happy with how it turned out. The challenge with this one was to make it pop considering it’s pretty much just all metal, so I went for some war paint to tie in with the shields on my troops and balloons on my aeronaughts.
I managed to finish one of my favorite units rule wise next, the lawn mower…. I mean harvester. I actually remember to take some WIP pics along the way so I threw them in too.
I decided to tick off a hero option next and worked through what I had primed and ready to go so this mounted sauceror got some paint, and i’m pretty happy with how it turned out.

I finished up August ( I know I still have a few days left) with a troop of stalwarts. I’m working on four troops that I can link together to form a horde.
I only have 1 regiment of spears left and 2 heroes primed and ready for paint, so it’s time to start assembling more. I’ll aim to get my EJs done in September and probably greedy guts and my feast master.
Thanks for reading, hope you’ve enjoyed.