Greeting sports fans, with still a few months before events close prior to Masters I thought it was time for an update! The third biggest event of the year, Convic, has been run and done and now there is only one auto qualifier remaining!
If you need a reminder on how we are trialling a run of Masters for 2023 then take a look here.
The pack is not too far away from being finalised and there will be a side event for those who want to join us.
So IF everything closed today I am going to list who would qualify for Masters based on the autoqualifiers and top ranked players. Some of our qualifiers are still to play their mandatory 3 events and I will note that.
The Current Contenders
The Reigning Master:
First off the previous Master, Ken Ferris. The man who always act the most surprised at new units because he doesn’t know how to use this new thing called the interwebs appropriately. Hasn’t played 3 events this year but is the only player not required to, that’s the benefits of winning your own event!
Team Queensland:
Next up the team of many missing teeth, Queensland! Grant Spence gets a run by auto qualifying via Briscon but he still needs to play 2 more events to be allowed to take that spot. The remaining two spots would be taken by Luke Schafer, the only man to ever be blackjacked whilst using an all–flying army against non-shooty dwarfs and Clint Richards a perennial stalwart of the Queensland and masters scene.

Team Victoria:
From the land of withdrawn commonwealth commitments in Victoria comes the team of Stephen Tuck, former Master, current number one ranked player and man with the most chafing from bike shorts in the comp. Joining him would be Damien Madigan who has history of losing a game of kings to a child and then Andrew Whitehead joins as the auto qualifier from Convic given Traishy had autoqualified elsewhere. Andrew is most famous for getting a sympathy invite to be on Direct Misfire and he still has to play one more event.

Team NSW:
From NSW comes the gnarly old dwarf himself Mr Jeffery Traish, auto-qual from Clash, who still needs to play another event to qualify. Next is the sometimes mistaken as a child, Max Kay who has dominated with his halflings, a great army for half a man I say and Paul Collins who would be qualifying with having used a different army at each event. Being from West of Sydney Ken and Paul don’t bring much in the way of extra teeth than Queensland.
Team ACT:
From the most majestic of lands where the most beautiful and wonderful people grow, comes the team from ACT. Stephen Devenish who still has burns from his clock times being scorched back at the last Masters, Michael Clarke who if he chooses to play will likely be using his part army trolley/part four wheel walker to attend and lastly, the most delicious me.
The Rest/The Wildcards:
Last of all we have the team of the Rest/Wildcards made up of miscreants not good enough to qualify for their own team. Namely Mathew Sellick from fame on that other podcast. Paul van Eyk from Queensland who from memory is still climbing the ladder from the bottom of the last Masters he attended and the man with simultaneous most cheesy and scary of grins, Andrew Goodman of Victoria.

There’s still plenty of time for these rankings to shake up!. When we lock the results down I will kindly ask ye olde Master Ken Ferris if he well bless us with his pre-Masters form guide. Keep gaming and building those local scenes!
Check out the current rankings here.
Love from Matt Croger